

Early Intervention and Prevention
The first three years of a child’s life are typically a marvelous time of discovery, exploration, and growth. However, even at a very tender age, you might be concerned about your child not babbling, not speaking, not understanding, not eating, not playing, or not communicating with you as you expected. While these concerns may seem small at early stage of your child’s development, difficulties that are not treated early can develop into significantly more challenging issues.
We are using a play-based therapeutic approach, that will help your child acquire the skills needed to communicate with you and other people. Intervention will also help you develop a supportive and nurturing communication style with your child.

Speech Sounds Disorders
A thorough evaluation will point to the specific origin of your child’s difficulty with speech sounds. Using a specifically designed and evidence-based approach, we will help your child acquire the sounds and words that are so needed to enjoy speaking.

Expressive and Receptive Language Disorders
A thorough diagnostic consultation will help us identify the specific strengths and weaknesses of all aspects of your child’s language and allow us to develop a very focused therapeutic approach. Any related behavioral or emotional issue will be addressed as well, as an essential part of a satisfying social communication.

We are using a social-pragmatic developmental approach . Our therapeutic approach is comprehensive, addressing the many different aspects of your child’s social and emotional development: making sense of other people’s behaviors, understanding language in context, learning to express themselves in context… We work as a team with the child’s family, establishing and working on therapeutic goals and supporting growth in more general settings.

Selective mutism
We are using an evidence-based approach to help your child become comfortable talking in a variety of contexts. We work closely with your family and with the school to help your child speak at ease, both in social situations and in learning contexts.

Traumatic Brain Injury
We are using a back-to-school protocol in collaboration with the family, the school, and the other health care professionals, to help your child return to school under the safest and most productive conditions.